Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Prcoedure for inquiring the average balance for an account in DOP finacle

  • Generally there is no option to inquire the average balance for an account in Sanchaypost but in DOP Finacle there is a menu for this purpose.
  • The menu option used for inquiring the average balance for an account is HABI (Average Balance Inquiry)

Step by Step Procedure for Inquiring Average Balance
  • Invoke the menu HABI then the system will shown the below screen as shown

  • Then enter the SB account then the system validates the account is valid or account after successfull validation then the system will show the below screen as shown
  • In the next step click on Go then the system will display the below screen as shown

In the above once can observe the average balance shown by the system in monthly manner and also  the system will display the average balance Quarterly.Half Yearly and Annualy as shown in the below screen shot.

Procedure for Inward Clearing Inquiry for a particular SB account in DOP Finacle

  • For suppose if we want to find the total number of insturments cleared or rejected in Inward clearing for a particular SB account we have procedure in DOP Finacle.
  • The menu option used for this purpose is HICI.

Procedure for Inquiring Inward Cheques Inquiry
  • Invoke the menu HICI then the system will show the below sceen as shown below

  • In the next step enter the SB acccount number of the customer then the system will show the below as mentioned  

  • In the above screen after entering the SB account number then the system will validates whether the account number is correct or not after successfull validaiton it will show the name of the customer and SOL ID to which account is attached.
  • Enter the fileds From date and To date also in the above screen shot.
  • Then click on Go then the system will show the below screen as menitoned below

  • In the above screen it is clear the system shown the cheque status as  "Carved"  and also in the Details field one can observe the following 
  1. The Zone code in which it was cleared
  2. The Zone Date on which it was cleared.
  3. The amount for which it was cleared.

Procedure to handle missing credits in SB/RD/PPF schemes in DOP Finacle

  • During migration from Sanchaypost to Finacle application for some accounts in SB/RD/PPF schemes there might be missing credits due to user mistake.
  • The process of handling to solve the missing for the schemes SB/RD/PPF schemes are mentioned in step by step manner in the below procedure.

Process of Handling missing credits in SB Scheme

  • First thing is verify the missing credit properly and make sure there is genuine missing credit then only proceed for the below steps.
  • Make an error and then report the matter to Divisional Head, after approval only proceed for balance correction.
  • The credit entries are to be made in the corresponding accounts with correct value date. 
  • After cross verification of SBCO supervisor there is a special  menu for SBCO supervisor  for interst correction i..e, HIARM in which we can give IR correction.
  • SBCO supervisor has to make IAR entry in Finacle as follows:

Invoke HIARM menu
Select ADD / A - A/Cs
Enter the account number / press F4
Enter  the amount to be credited
Select CREDIT Interest
Select CREDIT run indicator
Enter applicable from date as 01/04/2015
Enter the OM number in Remarks column
Click on SUBMIT

  • For more information and step by step procedure to give IR (Interest Correction) using the menu HIARM CLICK HERE

Process of Handling missing credits in RD Scheme







    Process of Handling missing credits in PPF Scheme

    • Due to wrong data entry in Sanchaypost i..e, if the date of opening is wrong we have to follow the below mentioned PPF transfer in procedure.
    • Due to wrong data entry in Sanchaypost i.., if there is missing credit then we have to follow the PPF Transfer in procedure.
    • Step by step procedure is mentioned below i..e, PPF transfer in procedure

    ·   Use HCAAC menu to close the PPF account (wrong opening date) in Counter PA login. Closure reason should be selected as Transfer to Bank (Please do this as last step)
    ·   Use HCAAC menu to verify the closure in Supervisor login. (please do this as last step)
    ·   Use PPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the same CIF ID and select the option TRANSFER and enter the old account number.
    ·   Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date.
    ·   Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account number.
    ·   The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked. 
    ·   The field 'Financial Year End Balance Identifier' should be selected as YES only for the last transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO. 
    ·   The fields 'Transaction Date' / 'Value Date' should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.
    ·   Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.
    ·   In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In 'Destination Directory' field, enter /dop/
    ·   The message 'File uploaded successfully' will be displayed.
    ·   Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as it is available). The message 'Data uploaded successfully' will be displayed.
    ·   After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Verify' and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.
    ·   Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Process' and enter the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id details will be displayed.
    ·   Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in CTINQ menu.
    ·   After this, this account has to be closed as being done for other PPF accounts.

    Sunday, 1 May 2016

    • In the previous lesson we were learning about the basic terminology used in Finacle. As a part of it we have learnt about what is Function. If you have not read the previous lesson, please read it first and then come back and continue reading this lesson.
    • In today’s lesson we will learn more about the terminology used in Finacle.

    Finacle Terminology continued…

    In the previous lesson we have learnt that, we instruct Finacle what to do, by choosing appropriate function. But Function alone is not enough to complete a transaction. Sometimes Finacle needs some additional information to fully understand what you want to do. Let’s see this with an example.
    Suppose a customer has come to your counter to make an RD Deposit by cash. Since RD Deposit can be made either by cash, or by post office SB cheque or by any bank Cheque, we need to tell finacle the mode of payment. We can tell the mode of payment by choosing appropriate option in Transaction Type. See the image below.
    As we can see in the above image we chose Function as ADD since we are doing new cash transaction. But since RD deposit can be made by cash, POSB Cheque or bank cheque, we have to tell Finacle whether we are making the deposit by cash POSB/Bank cheque. We can tell this to Finacle by choosing appropriate option in Transaction Type.
    1. For RD Deposit by cash we choose C/NR – Cash Deposit
    2. For RD Deposit by POSB/Bank Cheque we choose T/CI – Transfer Customer Induced
    3. T/BI Bank Induced option is used only in extra ordinary cases. (Bank doesn’t mean other bank. Bank means us. Bank means Post office. We are bank.)
    In this way we give additional information about a transaction to Finacle. You will observe the following additional options in various menus
    Function Type in CTM Transaction Type/Subtype in HTM, CPDTM Type in CPDTM Scheme Code/ Scheme in all account opening menus Product Group in MIS/TD opening and NSC/KVP issue menus.
    All these additional options are used to give additional information about a transaction to Finacle.

    Various Schemes available in Finacle

    As per our POSB Rules we have several schemes which are SB, RD, MIS, TD, SCSS, SSA, NSC, KVP, NSS 87, NSS 92 etc. In Finacle we call these as Products.
    In each product there are different types of schemes. Let’s see with an example.
    Previously we used to call SB as scheme. But in Finacle
    • We call saving account with cheque book as a scheme.
    • We call saving account without cheque book as a scheme.
    • We call Pension account with cheque book as a scheme.
    • We call pension account without cheque book as a scheme.

    Similarly In TD

    We call 1 yr TD as a scheme We call 2 yr TD as a scheme We call 3 yr TD as a scheme We call 5 yr TD as a scheme
    Hope you are getting my point.
    SB, RD, TD, MIS etc are called as Products. Whereas, schemes have an entirely different meaning in Finacle.

    Different terms used in Finacle 

    Please see the below table and you will understand the difference of terminology used in basic terms. For example we call a customer as DEPOSITOR, in finacle we call customer as Related Party. See the below table for more such differences and learn the terms used in Finacle for the old terms which we were using till now.
    Terms used till now
    Terms used in Finacle
    Account number
    Account ID
    Related Party
    Schemes ( SB, RD, PPF etc)
    Retail Customer
    Passbook View
    Ledger Inquiry
    A/c Conversion
    A/c Modification
    Ac transfer from one PO to Other PO
    SOL transfer
    Post Office
    Service Outlet (SOL)

    Finacle User Interface

    It is essential but not compulsory to learn about the user interface of Finacle. People who are rigorous internet users can skip this part of the lesson. For those people who feel Internet as Chinese or Japanese language compulsorily read the following part. It will be helpful not only in Finacle but also when we start using CSI in our offices. Not only in office, even in your day to day life this knowledge of internet will be useful.
    See the image below first then I’ll tell you in detail about what you see in the image.
    The above image is a screen shot of our India Post Website. It’s nice and colorful. There are various items on the screen, our logo, menu, our national emblem, tracking section of mails, important news etc. All these things are called as Elements.
    These elements are all put together to form a Website. We know that Finacle is also a website. Since Finacle is also a website it will also have these elements. I will discuss all the elements which are used in Finacle. Now again see the below image.
    Not so colorful. But the elements are same. Let us discuss each element in detail.
    Text Field: A text field is an element in which you can enter some data. As shown in the above all the rectangle boxes are text fields. See in Address Line 1 and Address Line 3 I have noted them as Text Fields. I’m so lazy yar. That’s why I noted only two boxes as text fields. But all the other rectangular boxes are also called as Text Fields only. We can simply call Text field as Field.
    Labels: In the above image Address Line 1 is the Label of the Text Field which I have noted in the image. Similarly Phone Type is the Label of the Drop down Box. Label is nothing but the name of the other elements. For example If I tell you Pin as 500018 then you have to click on the text field beside Pin Label on the screen and then you have to enter the pin as 500018.
    You may be thinking why all this nonsense you are teaching man, go straight into finacle. Let me explain. One of our respected staff who came for finacle training at my training center did this. I told him to enter address in Address field 1. He was clicking on the Label instead of clicking in the rectangular box beside it. I was shocked. People have very little knowledge about internet and computers. That’s why I’m forced to cover all this basic stuff. Moreover I'll be using these terms very frequently in the coming lessons. So lets get used to them.
    Drop Down Box : A drop down box is an element in which there will be more than one option. In those many available options we have to choose one option. When you click on that element, a list will drop down. Hence the name.
    Radio Buttons: A radio Button is a set of buttons similar to drop down box where we can choose only one option. Many years ago when radios were newly used, radios had a group of buttons out of which you can only press one button at a time. When you press the second button, the first button which is already pressed will come up and this second button will pressed down. Here also radio buttons will work in the same way. You can only click one button at a time.
    • See in the image. For enabling internet banking there are two radio buttons Yes and No. You have to choose either Yes or No. You cannot choose both at a time.
    • Radio buttons are used when you have to choose only one option from given options.
    • You may be thinking drop down boxes are also used for the same purpose. Then when should use radio button or when should we use drop down boxes.
    • Radio buttons are used when the there only 2 or 3 options. Imagine there are 100 options. It will be very confusing when 100 buttons are present on the screen. In such cases drop down boxes are used. When more options are there we use drop down boxes.
    • Check Boxes: A check box is an element which is used when you can choose more than one option. But in finacle they never used more than one check box at time. A check box is nothing but a small box , when you click it, a small tick mark will come. It is used to indicate Yes or No in our Finacle. When you check it , it means Yes, when you uncheck it, it means No.
    Buttons: I hope everybody know what a button is. In the image, we have two buttons. 1) Submit 2) Cancel.
    We have seen a lot of buttons in Sanchay Post. Some of them are
    New Form Send Yes NO Ok etc.
    In finacle we see different kinds of buttons. I will explain some of them
    1. Go: When you click on Go button, Finacle will show you the next screen of the transaction which you are currently doing.
    2. Post/Submit: When you click on Post button or Submit , it means that your transaction is completed.
    3. Validate: This button can be used to check whether you have correctly filled all the fields on the screen. When you click Validate button, Finacle will check whether everything is right. If something is missing it will show you some error.
    4. Clear : Clear button can be used to delete all the data which you have entered in a screen and a fresh form will appear on the screen
    5. Cancel: As we all know by clicking cancel, the current incomplete transaction will be cancelled and a new screen will appear
    6. Back: Back button will take us to the previous screen of the transaction which you are currently doing.
    So this is the basic terminology which is used in Finacle. Don’t worry if you think I have missed something, that something will be covered as and when necessary.
    Also please keep in mind, that if I’m not teaching about anything in Finacle, it means that it is not necessary to learn. Your counter transactions will still run without any problem and you can still close the counter by 04:30pm.
    See you in the next lesson.

    Points to Remember:

    1. Apart from Function, finacle needs some more information to complete our transaction.
    2. Finacle terminology is different from our general terminology. But since finacle terminology is on par with global banking terminology let’s get used to it.
    3. SB, RD, TD, MIS etc are called as Products.
    4. Learn all the elements which I have discussed in this lesson.
    In Finacle training lesson 1 we have learned about MENU. A Menu is a shortcut code which we enter in the Menu Shortcut field. If you have not yet read the first lesson please read it first and then come back to this lesson. 

    { I sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting for an hour yesterday on 24/04/2016. I was stuck in a traffic jam and couldn't reach home on time. Many people have banged me left and right for my late. Please accept my apologies and please continue to support us, so that we can help you in a better way in future also. }

    { A request to our friends who want to copy these lessons and paste them on your blogs. We don't mind if you copy these lessons and put them on your blog. But we have worked very hard preparing these lessons. What we request is to please put a LINK back to the original post which is a link to our blog. If you are not willing to put a link back to us, in that case we request you not put these posts on your blog. PLEASE. 

    To put a link back to us please follow the steps as shown in the image

    In today’s lesson we will see how to login into finacle.

    How to login into Finacle?

    Today we will see how to login into Finacle. See the below screenshot first.

    Our computers at our offices will look mostly like the above picture. There are certain settings to be made to our computers at office before we can start using Finacle. Don’t worry, our Super Stars (System Administrators) will do all the settings for you.

    Finacle is also a website like www.gmail.comwww.facebook.comwww.indiapost.gov.inetc. To open any website we need software called as BROWSER. Our computer will have a browser called as Internet Explorerby default. There are other browsers available, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari etc. But our finacle website will only open in INTERNET EXPLORER. So click on the Internet explorer icon as shown in the above picture.

    Since our system administrators have already made all the settings to our systems, after clicking Internet explorer icon you will see the screen as shown below.

    Our Finacle website is designed using JAVA software. JAVA is very powerful and there are so many things which we can do using JAVA. With the help of JAVA there is possibility of hacking systems. Because of this reason some times browser will show warnings to us. But don’t worry it’s our department website. We can trust it. 

    If you see the above image, browser is showing us a warning. It is saying us not to open the website. But as we know Finacle is safe we can continue to open that website.

    So click on the 2nd option in the screen which says “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.

    After clicking the 2nd option you will see new screen as shown below.

    • This is the actual login screen of finacle. In this screen we have to enter our user id and password.
    • Before migration of our office to finacle itself our system administrators will collect your details in the prescribed proforma and send them to CPC (Circle Processing Center I think). CPC people will create your ID and they will send your ID to your office email. Keep checking your office email till you get your ID. CPC people will set a default password to your ID. Most of the cases default password will be “dop.1234”.
    • When you are logging in to finacle for the first time, enter your user ID which you received via email, and your password will be “dop.1234”. See the image below.

    In the above image I have entered user id as "dopuser33" and password as "dop.1234". This is my first login into finacle. When you login with default password Finacle will ask you to change your password. See the image below.

    • Click on Go and change your password.
    But remember you don’t need abnormally complicated passwords like 05621A)$@&*. A simple password like simha%3750 is enough. Keep the password simple and not easily guessable. After you change your password for the first time, you have to logout and login again with the new password.

    After logging in with the new password you will see a screen like this. See the picture below.

    In this screen you have to select the SOLUTION. In Finacle there are different solutions. Different solutions are used for different purposes. Some solutions are “FINCORE”, “SVS”, “SSOLogin” etc.

    FINCORE solution is used at operative post offices to do transactions.
    SVS solution is used at CPC for signature and document scanning.
    SSOLogin solution is used at CPC to perform day end activities and some other important stuff.
    The Point is we have to select a solution before we go to the actual finacle transaction screen.
    In operative post offices select FINCORE as solution and you will see a new screen as shown below.
    1. Password will expire after 60 days
    2. In the above screen you can see your last login details. Last time when you login etc will be seen. If you find that you have login at abnormal times change your password immediately.
    3. Always keep an eye on your last login details.
    Now as you can see in the below image this is the actual finacle screen. 

    This screen has some useful information and there are some points about this screen you must compulsorily know.
    Those details we will discuss in the next lesson.

    Points to Remember:

    1. We use Internet Explorer browser to access Finacle website in our offices
    2. Don’t use complicated passwords and do not disclose your passwords to anyone
    3. You have to change your password after every 60days.
    4. You have to choose FINCORE solution to enter into the actual Finacle home screen and do transactions
    In the previous lesson we have learnt about the various items which we see on the finacle screen. If you have not read the previous lesson, please read it first and then come back.
    In today’s lesson we will learn about the terminology used in Finacle.

    Our Sanchay post terminology and finacle terminology are very different. Finacle terminology is on par with global banking nomenclature. So let’s learn it.

    What is the new Finacle Terminology
    Before we start the lesson please observe the following images.

    1. Screen of CTM (SB Deposit/Withdrawal)

    2.Screen of CRDP ( RD Deposit)

    4.Screen of CRDOAAC ( RD Account opening)

    5.Screen of HICHB ( Cheque book issue)

    Did you see all the images? There is one thing common in all the images? What is it? FUNCTION. We will see an option called FUNCTION in all screens of Finacle. Let’s learn what is this function?

    Imagine Finacle as a ROBOT. It will understand only Finacle language. For example let us assume that you want to do SB Deposit transaction. To tell Finacle to open SB Deposit screen we have to enter CTM in the menu shortcut field. After entering CTM in the menu shortcut field and clicking on GO button Finacle will open a screen as shown in the first image.(Please see the first image).

    Now Finacle is asking us “What do you want to do in this screen? What is your Function?” That’s why we see an option as Function in every screen. Finacle is asking us what your function is. We have to tell what we want to do in that screen.
    Here in this case as we want to deposit some amount in SB account, let’s see what our Function is.

    In finacle, doing transactions is called as adding transactions. Here we want to do an SB Deposit transaction in Finacle. Technically it is called as “We are ADDING one new deposit transaction in Finacle”. Are you getting my point? Let me explain in more detail.

    Let us assume you have a bucket full of mango fruits. If your friend gives you more mangoes you will then ADD these mangoes to the bucket. Some people might say we are PUTTING the mangoes in bucket, but technically we are ADDING more mangoes to the bucket. Similarly we ADD new transactions to Finacle.

    So, since we are doing a new deposit transaction, we choose the Function as ADD. Similarly when you are doing a new withdrawal transaction, then also we will choose the FUNCTION as ADD only.

    • When we are opening a new account, we will choose FUNCTION as OPEN
    • When we are issuing a new cheque book to the customer, we will choose the FUNCTION as ISSUE
    • When we are transferring an account from one post office to another, we will choose FUNCTION as TRANSFER
    • When we are closing the account, we will choose the FUNCTION as CLOSE.
    • When we are verifying a transaction we will choose the FUNCTION as VERIFY 
    I hope you understand what I am trying to say. We tell finacle what we want to do by choosing appropriate function.

    So that’s it for today’s lesson. We will discuss more terms tomorrow. I’m teaching very very little in each lesson. This is because I don’t want to confuse you by teaching so much in one day. Also I don’t want to waste much of your valuable time. Learn the lesson in just 10 or 15 minutes, that’s it. Spend the time with your family or spend it for yourself.

    Points to remember:
    1. FUNCTION is the option through which we tell Finacle what we want to do.
    2. Function and Function code are same. They are used alternatively.

    In the previous lesson we have learnt how to login in to finacle system. If you have not read the first 2 lessons please read them first and then start reading this lesson.
    In today’s lesson we will learn about everything which we see on finacle screen.

    Before we start today's lesson we have a request. Can someone translate our lessons into other languages? 
    Languages like தமிழ், हिंदी, తెలుగు, മലയാളം, বাঙালি, मराठी, ગુજરાતી, etc.
    Can someone help us in this task? We want to translate these lessons into our mother tongues so that all of us can easily understand. By translation we mean both translate and type in the corresponding language. If anyone is willing you can please contact us by sending an email to poupdatesblog@gmail.com. 

    What are those things which we see on Finacle screen?

    Before I say anything please see image below and we will discuss each item in detail.

    In the picture I have labeled each item with a number. Let’s see each item in detail number wise.

    1. Item no 1 shows today’s date. After you login into finacle, do not forget to check the date . It must show the date of current working day. But as you can see in the image the date is shown as 26/12/2013. I have taken the screenshot on 31/03/2016. This is because the day end of 26/12/2013 is not yet completed in my office. (Don’t worry my office is training center and we don’t do day end here). But in your office it must show today’s date only. If it is not showing current working date we should not do any transaction until Day end is completely over. Don’t worry I have only faced such situation only once when I was in counter. Very rare situation it is.

    2. Item no 2 and item no 12 shows the details of user who is currently logged in. If you are logged in, it will show you user id. It is important to keep an eye on this field. In single hand offices the same user will be given Counter PA id and Supervisor ID. While doing transactions it is important to keep in mind that you should not do any transactions in Supervisor ID. If you do so then it may become difficult to verify those transactions. So keep an eye on the user name before clicking the submit button.

    3. Item no 3 will show the SOL ID of the office in which you are currently working. Suppose if you go to a different office on deputation you have to inform your CPC to change your office. Otherwise all the transactions which you do in deputation office will be reflected in your parent office. That will create chaos. So please be careful when you are going to work in different offices.

    4. Item no 4 shows the menu shortcut field. In this field you have to enter the menus to do various operations.

    5. If you click on item no 5, item no 11 will appear on the screen. This menu list can be configured just like our Sanchay post so that you need not remember all the menus. But we do not recommend using item number 11. Please try to remember all the frequently used menus. 

    6. Memo pad is just like reminder or alarm. Suppose if you want some information from certain customer then simply create a memo pad entry for the account number of the customer and finacle will alert you when that customer comes for a transaction to your office. (System will show an exception while doing the transaction that a memo pad entry for the account exists)

    7. Background Menu is used for doing 2 transactions at a time. For example while opening any new account through POSB cheque if you forget to deposit the amount in SB, you can use background menu to deposit the amount without losing information you entered in account opening screen. 

    8. CCY converter can be used to check currency rates. Since we are not dealing with any foreign exchange services we don’t need it at the moment.

    9. Item no 9 is used to change your password. If you click on that key image a new screen will open where you can change your existing password.

    10. Item no 10 is the logout button. If you click on it you will logout from finacle. Do not forget to logout before leaving your system or do not close the browser without logging out.

    11. Item no 11 is a shortcut screen for all menus. It will appear on screen when you click on item no 5. But we strictly do not encourage these menu shortcut options.

    12. Item no 13 shows the time zone in which we are presently working. Since Finacle is made for international customers. It can operate at various time zones. Here in India we will have our time zone as IST.

    13. Item no 14 shows the welcome message on the screen.

    14. Item no 15 shows the number of reports available in HPR menu. Delete those reports if you have already printed them.

    15. Item no 16 is scrolling message. Sometimes some important messages are displayed in that scrolling. Like “Stop working and sleep because finacle wants to sleep” LOL. Just joking. It will show messages like “Today CCRC menu will not work”, “Complete day end by 0430pm” etc.
    So this is the information about all the items which we see on the screen. It’s essential to know everything about Finacle.
    So that’s it for today’s lesson. See you again tomorrow.
    I’m trying to keep lessons short because it will be easy to remember. It won’t take more than 5 minutes to read a lesson. I can compile all the lessons as a single book instead of short lessons of 5 minutes per day. But I bet nobody will read the book for more than 10 pages.

    So we have decided to make lessons short so that it won’t take more than 5 minutes to read. Just spend 5 minutes daily, learn to use finacle and get rid of all the problems.

    Point to remember in today’s lesson.

    1. Always check the date on the screen. If it is not today’s date do not do any transaction.

    2. Always check the currently logged in user. Do not do any transactions in supervisor login.

    3. If you are going on deputation to other office make sure you request CPC to change your SOL. And after completion of deputation and coming back to home office again request CPC to change your SOL.